
The ODU Women's Initiative Network Mentorship Program was established in 2014 by First Lady Emerita Kate Broderick and former ODU Board of Visitors member Pamela Kirk to provide first-generation female students with additional academic and professional development resources for their continued success.

The program matches female industry professionals with ODU undergraduate female students with emphasis on serving rising juniors and seniors. WIN mentors and mentees are matched according to areas of interest and career pathways. WIN学员主要是第一代少数族裔学生(90%). 大约三分之一的学员是STEM专业的,超过30%的学员符合佩尔资格.


Connecting young women at ODU with a community of like-minded professional women across industries creates a vibrant and dynamic environment where the power of relationships drives academic success and personal growth.

Mentorship is a powerful proven tool to realizing goals and developing life-long skill sets and relationships that young women can carry with them as they attain their professional and personal goals.


Over 200 WIN student mentees have graduated from Old Dominion University since the program's founding. WIN members are currently mentoring 85 female students, but demand is increasing for mentors. The WIN Mentorship Program is designed to provide mentees with additional resources for their continued success.


我们鼓励潜在的学员 apply on Monarch Groups. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Dionicia Mahler-Rogers博士.D.:

Dionicia Mahler-Rogers, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Office of Leadership & Learning
Old Dominion University,
Perry Library

Phone 757-683-5996


WIN presents a variety of programming and resources to the ODU student community annually to support student success. Initiatives include:

  • 君主学生领导学院
  • Monthly WIN Lunch & Learn Programs
  • 蓝色巨人的衣橱提供免费的温和的职业装
  • 商务礼仪及专业发展工作坊
  • “庆祝我们的前辈”年度活动表彰WIN的学员毕业生
  • Engagement with ODU Arts, ODU Athletics, President's Lecture Series, and University events
  • 为社区提供志愿服务的机会,不以营利为目的

ODU WIN师友计划校友

认识一下ODU WIN学员校友,Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20,注册会计师,MSA
B.S. Accounting; M.S. Accounting
ODU WIN导师:玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20和她的ODU WIN导师Marsha Hudgins, 76届MBA.

“The mentorship relationships within the WIN program were a catalyst in my career pursuits and aspirations. It served as grounds for many firsts and lead to my development as a polished professional woman in the corporate world, as a community leader, and in my personal life.

我的WIN导师向我介绍了我的第一个注册会计师, was my first luncheon with women business owners and entrepreneurs within my field of study, 我的第一份实习是通过WIN项目获得的, 也是我和CEO的第一段永远的友谊. Without all these firsts’, I would not have been where I am today or be prepared to consult for a Big 4 Accounting firm.”    Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20, CPA, MSA

Elizabeth Owusuwwa是德勤财务管理高级顾问. ODU WIN总裁,Marsha Hudgins, 76届MBA,曾担任Elizabeth Owusuwaa的导师.

来认识一下ODU WIN的校友,Kiara " Keke " moya - prea ' 23,
巴顿工程与技术学院ODU WIN导师:Marsha Hudgins, MBA ' 76

他被任命为美国海军陆战队的一名水面作战军官.S. Navy. 她将被分配到基尔萨奇号. 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA,是她三年的导师。

“Keke是我们ODU惊人的隐藏天赋的一个例子. 危地马拉移民的女儿, 她在工程领域成就斐然, and she has made the ultimate commitment to the United States by serving as an officer in the U.S. Navy. 我为这位杰出的年轻女子感到无比骄傲." Marsha Hudgins, MBA ‘76

认识一下ODU WIN学员校友,22岁的西蒙娜·斯蒂芬
B.S. 巴顿工程技术学院机械工程专业
最佳导师:伯莎·“蜜蜂”·巴拉德; 核工程师,反应堆维修/核推进,
Newport News Shipbuilding


“My WIN mentee, Simone Stephen, completed her bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering last spring. She received the 2022 BCET Diversity Graduate Award and went on to complete her master’s in
Cybersecurity this summer. This spring, she published a paper, 网络安全对先进农业的影响, and presented at the International Conference of Cyber Warfare and Security Conference and completed the Cyber Experiential Learning program.
She is currently working as a Cybersecurity master’s Intern at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory through the Department of Homeland Security’s WIRED internship and development program. She has an incredible story on how she’s overcome adversity after a major life change that left her helping to care for a loved one while pursuing her education. 她是不可思议的,我很自豪能在她的故事中扮演一个小小的角色!” Bertha “Bee” Ballard ‘20 核工程师,反应堆维修/核推进,纽波特纽斯造船

认识ODU WIN学员校友,Jaidan N. Williams, ’23, A.A.S.
ODU Cyber LeADERS Scholar

NSF CyberCorps SFS Scholar
B.S. Cybersecurity, 2023
ODU WIN导师:Ann Jones, Sentara Healthcare企业标识服务总监


Jaidan’s path to ODU began as a STEM Promise Scholar at Tidewater Community College where Jaidan received a full tuition scholarship. 贾丹的学术荣誉包括被提名为院长名单, the President’s Honor Roll, 并获得TCC学术卓越及服务奖.
当我还是老自治领大学的学生时, 贾丹参加了夏季757项目,以提高她的职业准备, 建立她的职业关系网, 与志趣相投、对未来有共同目标和愿景的学生见面. Jaidan interned with NASA兰利研究中心 in 2022 and was offered a full- time position in the Office of the Inspector General at NASA兰利研究中心 as an IT Specialist in 2023.
Jaidan participated in the ODU WIN Mentorship Program while a student at Old Dominion University. Ann Jones, Director, Enterprise Identity Services, Sentara Healthcare, served as Jaidan’s mentor.

ODU WIN学员校友,Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20和Rafia Haq ' 19.

认识ODU WIN学员校友,Rafia Haq ' 19飞行软件, NASA兰利研究中心
B.S. Computer Science 2019
硕士网络安全政策,佐治亚理工学院2023 ODU
WIN导师:Kieran Poulos,法学博士,会计硕士' 05

Rafia Haq ' 19是美国宇航局兰利研究中心的飞行软件工程师. 在ODU学习计算机科学的时候, Rafia participated in the ODU WIN Mentorship Program and was mentored by attorney and ODU WIN member, Kieran Poulos, MA ‘05.

来认识一下ODU WIN的校友,23岁的阿曼达·皮舍
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Safety ‘19 建造主管,CVN-79新航母建造,纽波特纽斯造船

Amanda Pysher graduated in May 2023 from ODU and is now at Coastal Carolina University pursuing a MS in Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies. While at ODU, 她是女子赛艇队的一级学生运动员, ODU湿地工厂的志愿者研究员 & Restoration Lab, 并在进化生态生理学实验室担任本科生研究助理, to expand her experience and worked on many other projects and initiatives during her tenure. 皮舍是2023届公民学者班的一员.

来认识一下ODU WIN的学员校友,23届的回声之王
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Safety ‘19

Ephony King is a graduate of the Apprentice School was a structural welder at Newport News Shipbuilding during her tenure at ODU. She completed her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering technology in August 2023 and is now a Mechanical Engineer working in the Reactor Services division at Newport News Shipbuilding. She also was one of two welders selected to weld the initials of ship sponsors for the keel laying of CVN-80 (Enterprise). 拜尔斯和同为奥运选手的凯蒂·莱德基是这艘船的赞助商. 回声公司把西蒙娜·拜尔斯名字的首字母焊接在龙骨板上. She is a 2022 Model of Excellence Winner at Newport News Shipbuilding as well for work performed during her tenure as a structural welder.

认识一下ODU WIN学员校友,Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20,注册会计师,MSA
B.S. Accounting; M.S. Accounting
ODU WIN导师:玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA

Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20和她的ODU WIN导师Marsha Hudgins, 76届MBA.

“The mentorship relationships within the WIN program were a catalyst in my career pursuits and aspirations. It served as grounds for many firsts and lead to my development as a polished professional woman in the corporate world, as a community leader, and in my personal life.

我的WIN导师向我介绍了我的第一个注册会计师, was my first luncheon with women business owners and entrepreneurs within my field of study, 我的第一份实习是通过WIN项目获得的, 也是我和CEO的第一段永远的友谊. Without all these firsts’, I would not have been where I am today or be prepared to consult for a Big 4 Accounting firm.”    Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20, CPA, MSA

Elizabeth Owusuwwa是德勤财务管理高级顾问. ODU WIN总裁,Marsha Hudgins, 76届MBA,曾担任Elizabeth Owusuwaa的导师.

来认识一下ODU WIN的校友,Kiara " Keke " moya - prea ' 23,
巴顿工程与技术学院ODU WIN导师:Marsha Hudgins, MBA ' 76

他被任命为美国海军陆战队的一名水面作战军官.S. Navy. 她将被分配到基尔萨奇号. 玛莎·哈金斯,76届MBA,是她三年的导师。

“Keke是我们ODU惊人的隐藏天赋的一个例子. 危地马拉移民的女儿, 她在工程领域成就斐然, and she has made the ultimate commitment to the United States by serving as an officer in the U.S. Navy. 我为这位杰出的年轻女子感到无比骄傲." Marsha Hudgins, MBA ‘76

认识一下ODU WIN学员校友,22岁的西蒙娜·斯蒂芬
B.S. 巴顿工程技术学院机械工程专业
最佳导师:伯莎·“蜜蜂”·巴拉德; 核工程师,反应堆维修/核推进,
Newport News Shipbuilding


“My WIN mentee, Simone Stephen, completed her bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering last spring. She received the 2022 BCET Diversity Graduate Award and went on to complete her master’s in
Cybersecurity this summer. This spring, she published a paper, 网络安全对先进农业的影响, and presented at the International Conference of Cyber Warfare and Security Conference and completed the Cyber Experiential Learning program.
She is currently working as a Cybersecurity master’s Intern at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory through the Department of Homeland Security’s WIRED internship and development program. She has an incredible story on how she’s overcome adversity after a major life change that left her helping to care for a loved one while pursuing her education. 她是不可思议的,我很自豪能在她的故事中扮演一个小小的角色!” Bertha “Bee” Ballard ‘20 核工程师,反应堆维修/核推进,纽波特纽斯造船

认识ODU WIN学员校友,Jaidan N. Williams, ’23, A.A.S.
ODU Cyber LeADERS Scholar

NSF CyberCorps SFS Scholar
B.S. Cybersecurity, 2023
ODU WIN导师:Ann Jones, Sentara Healthcare企业标识服务总监


Jaidan’s path to ODU began as a STEM Promise Scholar at Tidewater Community College where Jaidan received a full tuition scholarship. 贾丹的学术荣誉包括被提名为院长名单, the President’s Honor Roll, 并获得TCC学术卓越及服务奖.
当我还是老自治领大学的学生时, 贾丹参加了夏季757项目,以提高她的职业准备, 建立她的职业关系网, 与志趣相投、对未来有共同目标和愿景的学生见面. Jaidan interned with NASA兰利研究中心 in 2022 and was offered a full- time position in the Office of the Inspector General at NASA兰利研究中心 as an IT Specialist in 2023.
Jaidan participated in the ODU WIN Mentorship Program while a student at Old Dominion University. Ann Jones, Director, Enterprise Identity Services, Sentara Healthcare, served as Jaidan’s mentor.

ODU WIN学员校友,Elizabeth Owusuwaa ' 17 ' 20和Rafia Haq ' 19.

认识ODU WIN学员校友,Rafia Haq ' 19飞行软件, NASA兰利研究中心
B.S. Computer Science 2019
硕士网络安全政策,佐治亚理工学院2023 ODU
WIN导师:Kieran Poulos,法学博士,会计硕士' 05

Rafia Haq ' 19是美国宇航局兰利研究中心的飞行软件工程师. 在ODU学习计算机科学的时候, Rafia participated in the ODU WIN Mentorship Program and was mentored by attorney and ODU WIN member, Kieran Poulos, MA ‘05.

来认识一下ODU WIN的校友,23岁的阿曼达·皮舍
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Safety ‘19 建造主管,CVN-79新航母建造,纽波特纽斯造船

Amanda Pysher graduated in May 2023 from ODU and is now at Coastal Carolina University pursuing a MS in Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies. While at ODU, 她是女子赛艇队的一级学生运动员, ODU湿地工厂的志愿者研究员 & Restoration Lab, 并在进化生态生理学实验室担任本科生研究助理, to expand her experience and worked on many other projects and initiatives during her tenure. 皮舍是2023届公民学者班的一员.

来认识一下ODU WIN的学员校友,23届的回声之王
ODU WIN导师:Stephanie Neary, MS Environmental Health, Occupational Health, and Safety ‘19

Ephony King is a graduate of the Apprentice School was a structural welder at Newport News Shipbuilding during her tenure at ODU. She completed her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering technology in August 2023 and is now a Mechanical Engineer working in the Reactor Services division at Newport News Shipbuilding. She also was one of two welders selected to weld the initials of ship sponsors for the keel laying of CVN-80 (Enterprise). 拜尔斯和同为奥运选手的凯蒂·莱德基是这艘船的赞助商. 回声公司把西蒙娜·拜尔斯名字的首字母焊接在龙骨板上. She is a 2022 Model of Excellence Winner at Newport News Shipbuilding as well for work performed during her tenure as a structural welder.

谢谢你——Kiyah Edwards


